Letting Go

While packing in preparation to move, one of my old college roommates, and closest girlfriends, recently found the “goodbye” letter (letter is an understatement; it was a novel) I wrote her after our four years of college.

The context: I was moving on and she was staying another year...

One Voice

May’s song of obsession:

Missing the Collage for the Frames

In English, the following is a well-known saying: “Can’t see the forest for the trees.”

In many ways, this is my life’s idiom.

I’m a details person. I love, and thrive off of, the minutiae.

This is both a blessing and a curse. The ability to hone in has tremendous benefits; however, this tunnel vision can also be crippling. I often miss the major point or the overall gist because I’m too preoccupied with the details.

I recently had brunch with a friend during which we chatted about my obstructed vision regarding a recent incident. In response, she shared the following...

God, Add Preaching to My Dream List

Last week after class, one of my female students asked, “Have you ever preached before?”

I responded, “Heavens no! I’m definitely not a preacher.”

She responded, “Oh, you’re just so passionate, I thought you’d be great at it. Plus, you do a good job keeping us awake.”

(Note to self: minimize self-deprecating statements in front of students)

This isn’t the first time someone has brought this to my attention. Several friends, prior seminarians, and current coworkers have asked me the same question (my response to them has been similar)...

Life is One Long Pregnancy

Over the last 5 years, I’ve watched several friends go through their pregnancy journey.

It’s nothing short of heroic.

In a recent phone conversation with one of my girlfriends (who has two children), we decided that life is like an extended pregnancy—rather than just three trimesters, life’s full of them...