
Emotional Weight Loss

With the new year approaching, resolutions are right around the corner.

In talking about our wishes for 2017, my roommate commented that she wanted to lose emotional weight. While most people desire to lose physical pounds, she’s wanting to shed the emotional heaviness—the pain, resentment, anger, hopelessness, shame, and fear—that has weighed her down for years...



Gremlin Annihilation

In Deuteronomy 7, Moses gives the Israelites instructions for entering the Promised Land. Since the original promise made to Abraham in Genesis, through their 400+ year enslavement in Egypt, and 40-year wilderness jaunt, the Israelites have long anticipated this climactic moment. This is what God had promised, and what he’d been preparing them for...


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Painful Healing

During my junior year of college, I interned at Shriners Hospital in Sacramento. At the time, I wanted to be a Child Life Specialist (Child Life Specialist) and did my internship in this department.

Shriners specializes in treating children with severe burns (among other things) and my duties included reading to, playing with, and checking up on, several children that had third degree burns over 90% of their body...

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